Parenting and Technology: How to Parent Techie Children


Kids love technology. There is no doubt about that. They are especially inclined towards using cell phones, video games, and the Internet. Some kids have their worlds spinning around technology, which has become a growing concern for many parents. If you are a parent with the same concern, here is a practical guide and some tech tips on parenting tech-savvy children. You can find a practical guide and tips on parenting tech-savvy children at

Keep communication lines open. The most important part of parenting, whether it is in the digital age or many years back, is keeping the communication lines open. You always have to talk and listen your kids. You just do not do all the talking and talking, you must also make it a point to listen to what they have to say to let them know and make them feel that you value their insights and opinions.When they feel that kind of respect from you, it is much easier for them to reciprocate that respect. And when they respect you, it would be easier for you to enlighten them about the possible dangers and correct limitations when it comes to the use of technology. They are more likely to follow your rules and believe what you say when they have respect for you.

Establish rules on use of technology. Also, an initial step that you need to undertake is to establish rules with regards to using technology like video games, Internet, cell phone and many others. For example, with video games, set a weekly time schedule for playing. You can limit video game playing to one hour a day or five hours a week. Or you can tell your children that they can only play during the weekends or when they do not have homework during weekdays.

Establish similar rules to the use of cell phone and Internet. When you establish these rules, be sure to stick to them. Do not be lenient and let your children play when you feel like it. You have to be consistent so that it would be easier for them to follow the rules that you have set.

Familiarize yourself with technology. If you are a complete web dummy, it would be very difficult for you to parent techie children. So even if you do not like it, you must familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of computer, cell phone, Internet, and any other thing with regards to the future technology. You must even learn how to operate those video game boxes that your children play with. This is so that you do not get left behind and you can guide your kids properly when they use these things.

Exercise parental controls. There are various parental control features that you may use to enforce Internet policies on children. This way, you do not have to constantly worry about your kids getting into malicious sites or downloading harmful information.

Place the computer in a visible location. Put your children’s computers in a location where you can easily monitor what it is they are looking at or doing. It would also help if you can make technology use a fun family activity. For example, you can ask your children to teach you how to download stuff from the Internet or how to have a Facebook account. Children like playing teacher roles and they appreciate it when their parents get into the know of the things that they are interested in.

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